Monday, July 6, 2015

Really: Day 2 in Paris!

I spent quite a bit of time while we were in Europe trying to get a decent internet connection (with a 3 week itinerary I HAD to do some work!) and on day 2 we headed to the Apple store. I was able to get some satisfaction, but seriously when I needed a dependable source of internet I headed to the nearest Starbucks. Starbucks is plentiful in Paris, non existent in Rome. After the Apple store, which is near L'Opera we had lunch at L'Entreact, a very typical bistro. Two thirty five-ish Frenchmen sat next to us, they had the full on lunch ascribed to the French ending with small cups of espresso. Jake commented on the lack of: overweight people, tattoos and piercings, saggy pants! Not everyone looks like a fashion plate but they look quite presentable. In the evening we took a series of metro trains to the 19eme where an exhibition of David Bowie paintings was showing at the Philharmonie. The 19th is not what most people think of when envisioning Paris, very working class and immigrant heavy. Architecture not as stunning. We did a ton of walking as my husband was in charge of this particular outing and the long and short of it is: we never found the exact exhibition hall! But we did see a side of Paris we'd never seen before and we mastered the metro system. We met, once again, several very helpful Parisians. Giving up on the art we made our way back to the 5th and had a lovely dinner at the La Fountaine St Michel. Jake enjoyed a platter with salmon, ocean terrine, pate and I had quiche (I know!). Our waiter was the doppelganger of our friend Pete George who used to play guitar in our band and is now a successful comedian and actor living in L.A. xo La

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