Sunday, August 4, 2019


What is my alternate universe? The Riviera, Cote d'Azur, Paris, Montreal......any beautiful beach in the world, the coastline of Portugal.   I guess that's really my heaven on earth.   An alternate universe, tho, hmmm, perhaps I don't have the imagination or the words.

Do we (do I) want to run from this barbarism? Do we (do I?) want to stand up for thought and reason and humanity and say NO, Hell NO, to this sad, yet lethal, parasite that has gained our notice lately and more ferociously than ever before.
We are ALL of this earth; how dare anyone tell another that they are "less than". What is your authority? You have none. We share this earth. How dare we destroy her? There is enough - there is more than enough - if we honor and cooperate and compromise and focus on health and safety and good social interaction. Who wants anything other?? All the money in the world. Is that why the stock market is your only real God? All the material goods. If that is what you really desire, go for it. Let the rest of us live in peace. But NO you want to use our one precious life to advance YOUR pocketbook. Divide and conquer. Dissent.   The answer to it all is cooperation and dignity and purpose and compromise and inclusion and civility. We are civilized people - Why are those among us who want to revert to a barbaric state? One of fear and insecurity and lack. It makes no sense, unless you are profiting from this ugly- fear- disgusting- empty - sickening -vengeance unloaded upon human beings simply for being other human beings.

What do we do?
Run to Central America or perhaps, Canada and live on our retirement money and social security? We definitely could. Do not think we could afford Europe on what we have....but perhaps. America, you may be too far gone. Where are the good voices? I see Sherrod and Bernie and other statesmen who give me hope and so many more who don't with their pathetic lack of integrity. It's not that hard. Isn't it even in a book, something about 'everything I needed to know I learned in kindergarten' (or some shit like that) - the golden rule!!???  And the knife to the heart is that so many of them are 'Christians'. It's perverted.

well, I've let off some steam.   but don't feel too much better, just bled.

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