Friday, July 26, 2019

hmmm.....mind dump

Well it's coming up on August!! Time to get at summer full force. I need to get to a pool or the lake or.....We've been on the deck a decent amount of time thus far. We have been working with an Arborist to determine the status of our extremely old, extremely large Sycamore tree. The news is good, it's healthy but we do have some pruning to do and some other work needed on our Ash trees - we have two that survived the disease that pretty much eradicated all of  them in NE Ohio in the past few years!! He's going to give them a shot - a vaccination if you will. Trees are amazing and we've enjoyed talking with our guy about them.

Summer: need to accelerate the summer-ness of things. I have hopes but.....with all our gigs, work etc...I'll have to be mindful. I've had a few rounds of Aperol spritzes -my European drink of choice - going barefoot as much as possible - wore an ankle length tied dyed jersey dress for a day, very comfy if shapeless - eating antipasto, tuna and egg salad - I would really love to go to the beach.......
maybe in September we can do that. I love Sept and Oct.

I've 'stabilized' weight wise. In about 18 months or so I've kept my weight at about 10 pounds below what was my steady weight for some time. Measurements too, with about a loss of 4 to 5 inches, total, from hips and waist. Culprit - if that's the word I wanna use: almost daily exercise of 15 - 20 minutes combined with the dietary change of less/no sugar - none in my coffee, drastic reduction in bread carbs - so that's very pleasant to acknowledge. At this time last year I was down five more pounds, but I was being very vigilant on carbs, so I think this is a very realistic, very maintainable plateau for me.

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