Sunday, October 25, 2020

Creative and satisfied

 Today was a very satisfying day. By coincidence or not it's Sunday, traditionally a day of rest. And I feel very rested and full, complete. What did I do? What did I not do? Oh the suspense. 

Just now I finished about 20 minutes playing piano, which I've done perhaps 3 or 4 other times today. I created a mock playlist with stuff I should be able to sing and play - a la meme fois - by now. And I was pretty pleased with the progress there. 

Working backwards, Cali dropped by and we had champagne and made ramen with egg for dinner. We had some discussion about expanding our family real estate game now. It's a probable win win and that's obviously positive!

Jake and I took a walk, showed him the paths around the Normandy and Mom's new place. He was impressed and they do have a great raised garden bed, ponds and water features, good landscaping and some very woodsy areas - plus mini golf so I can see the fam gathering there for a cocktail hour sometime.

Rearranged some furniture, slightly. Hit the Jungle Room with some love and covered the chaise with a soft washed, large whaled, muted green corduroy fabric (old curtain) and it looks great and feels greater. So comfy. Real fur tails (inherited, vintage) and faux fur pillow. Brought in some plants that summer out of doors on the deck and winter in the Florida Room of old, now the Jungle Room. Angled/turned the butcher block a bit and it's better in the kitchen/stove nook it creates, much better. 

Played and sang. Did some harvesting in Tomato Land and threw some sauce - San Marzanos, peppers, onion and italian spice - in the oven to roast. Ultimately burned some. But good effort. Saved some.

I wrote an entry for my cookbook. Tips. So much to say there. But that project is in a good place now too. Lots of progress. We need to do a few recipes again and make some final decisions re costs/photos/etc. But basically it's written, I think. 


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