Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The One Third Life Method

 Well I am sussing out this idea that recently came to me. I'm old. Oldish, I guess. That's not the idea ๐Ÿ‘ˆ My Mom's 90, Gramma lived to 100 and, while I don't want to get ahead of myself here, reflection is what I'm doing and maybe I have another 30 decent years of life as I know it. At 64, if I dissect things roughly I've spent 30 years becoming the adult "me", the next 30 being "us" and, perhaps, the next 30 be???-ing That's interesting to me as 30 years seems like a lot but rationally I know the years speed up with age and this 30 will fly by......

So what is the third third? I am on the cusp, the precipice of that. Health, enjoyment, relaxation, passion. Perhaps more or less.

 3+3+3 = 9  or 3-6-9 -all really good numbers with vibrations that matter so maybe this One Third Life Method is something. A map, a reflection tool, a reassurance? 

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