Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Generally I prefer la rentree for organization. The start of the school year, the end of summer,
whatever it is - gets me going. Making resolutions in January seems so common. Alors, I have to reevaluate many things right now and premiere among them is - work. Making money. Our recent financial past is not good. Now is the time to promote and hustle and make the most of my appraisal license. Per usual, I got into something (appraisal) at an unusual time. And you'd think a bad time, but you'd be wrong. There is tons of work for RE appraisers. My petite hurdle is weaning away from my current employer to some other sources: banks, attorneys etc. so I get more of the cold hard stuff. Some calculations seem to show I can just about double the fee per report. More money, same work (and always learning a better, faster way).
CURRENTLY ITEM NUMBER ONE FOR THE RECESSIONISTA - making work ultra lucrative will add considerably to it's je ne sais quoi, not to mention what it'll do for the joie de vivre meter.

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