Thursday, January 22, 2009

La Grande Librairie

I've been a 'francophile' for most of my life, it began with a childhood friend and her family -
emigres from Grenoble. I was in the presence of the mystique of the femme and have been aware of it all these years. I have chased it in my dreams. Celine and Judith, mother and daughter, the icon and the trainee. I wish I had been more observant, more studious. There I was, practically in the cradle of chic myself....dumbing along like a klutzy American. Umm.
Recently I was made aware of a french television program, specifically one episode of La Grande Librairie. It made my dreams swirl again, the raw je ne sais quoi delivered by 4 unique, intelligent women. I couldn't understand their rapid fire speech, but I was captivated by the tone of their voices, their clothes and body language. Each writer had a 'look' and portrayed it very comfortably (bien dans sa peau), with posture and hand gestures and general presence. I found myself watching the show over and over, often as background and now I'm understanding more and more of what these authors are saying. It's become a basic french language lesson along with a lesson in the art of the french femme. And what have I learned?
Some basics - minimal makeup, great hair, toned body, keen mind.
I believe that the French are more disciplined than we are. They push children to study hard.
They expect amenities in life (food, wine, vacation) but don't over do even the good things.

1 comment: said...

I really like your blog/your writing.

I too love all things French and am a co-member of the French Chic group with you.

Count me in as a subscriber to your blog!