Wednesday, August 5, 2009

HOME TOUR - Part One: The Upper Hall

I've started a cleaning tour of my home. One room at a time, can't move on until everything is clean, edited, fixed or otherwise done in that particular room. As I go along I want to document all of the 'found', inherited, gifted and thrifted items that make up our decor. This first post in a series features the upper hall. The hall is deorated with a log cabin pattern quilt made for me by my Grandmother. The pieces that she used came primarily from clothes she had sewn for me and other family members. The drums are my Grandfather's and were cleaned up and hung by my husband, who also happens to be a drummer. We also have a bass drum end table, you'll see it later in the series. The chandelier, I believe, is a trash day treasure rescued before the garbage truck could snatch it up.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love grandmother's quilts! This looks so cozy and warm. I have a treasured quilt from my great grandmother too. I remember her sewing them.