Monday, August 10, 2009

Potager Prizes redux

Here is an old draft I forgot to post in August.

My garden bounty of zucchini and tomatoes has brought me much closer to these 2 vegetables. We've eaten much of the zucchini, picked very small, raw with hummus or sauteed in omelets.

Now we've graduated to large, diagonally sliced discs which I've dredged in salted and peppered flour and fried in canola or roasted with olive oil and coarse sea salt, maybe some onions in there too, or thinly sliced potato. All you need is a piece of good bread, maybe some cheese, a glass of wine and what a delicious meal. I've consumed the tomatoes raw in salsa tossed with roasted peppers and garlic and onion. Or roasted in oil and salt and slipped from their skins, what a joy. Of course chopped and mixed with creamy mozzarella, evoo and Italian spices. It's hard to even graduate to a pizza or a pasta recipe when you can create such heaven so easily, but of course we have.
Roasting is unbelievable in the way it concentrates flavors and sugars in the vegetables. I've roasted lots of these freshly picked jewels and, resting in the freezer, they wait their turn.

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