Thursday, December 8, 2016

My love/hate/really hate relationship with Facebook

This isn't very well thought out but I woke up early and feel like ranting about facebook. I really hate it. It's one of those things that you can't cut loose even tho you hate it. I found out about the sudden death of a dear friend via facebook. I was filled with doubt and anger and disgust and fear at postings by 'friends' during the recent election. I scroll the vacant lives of people I don't really know or care about. I wonder if I can delete my account and live with the FOMO that might result?  In full disclosure I am one of those musicians who use facebook to promote gigs and, wow!, wonderful tool! Amazing, free way to do what used to be accomplished by a copier, a stapler and someone with the desire to plaster up the available, appropriate telephone poles and bulletin boards with your flyer. So on the one hand - as I said, amazing. On the other hand, who are these people??? Seriously I have friends that I don't know. It's my fault, I accepted them and they are probably people that have seen one of my two bands or friends of friends etc. but I don't care what they are up to. I get seriously riled at their, or their friends, inane comments, posts, rants. Then I see one, sweet thing that inspires me. Or get some important information and keep scrolling.
I have got to quit this.......but......are you on facebook? what are your thoughts?


Unknown said...

Hello! Facebook is a wonderful place to block other people you don't care about. During the election I kept pruning my list so I only saw positive comments and my feed is a delightful place to visit, at least most of the time. No one is forcing you to keep track of people you aren't interested in.

la said...

But of course, Juliann! Hello! Yes, boundaries are so important and, if one wants to create one's own world, so necessary. I have placed friends on the don't show list, unfriended some as well - perhaps I need more "weeding". Thanks for the comment!