Thursday, April 9, 2009

Discriminating facial care

In my last post about frugality, which will from now on be referred to as discrimination (although that may have to change as it sounds weird!), I mentioned the expensive facial cleanser, toner and moisturizer I bought from Mme Jane Seybroyen. Her products were lovely, but it cost over $100 for a supply that lasted just a few months. Some have raved about how Mme's stuff cleared up problems they were having, but I have been blessed with normal skin and didn't see any amazing changes. One of the best things about her program was just that - it was a program. She detailed how to apply the creams and how to remove them. How to tap your skin lightly to increase absorption and circulation. And having an expert tell you to do this, this exact way, daily....well it made me do it! The bottom line is that any program - from skin care to finances and everything in between - must be done with some regularity in order to promote results. I have dabbled in the oil cleansing method and it seems that it would be very inexpensive. Some use olive oil and report amazing results. As soon as I finish up my current bottle of (generic) cetaphil I am going to experiment with more oils (I tried coconut and olive once or twice but not with any regularity, so I can't report any results!). I found this website that explains the process: If you use this method or a variation thereof, I'd love to hear about it. I highly recommend Thayer's Rose Witch Hazel, available at health food stores, as a toner


Stephanie said...

I recall Madame's skin care products. I wonder how she is doing? A lot of skin care companies are introducing oil cleansers now. I saw two at Lancome, Shu Umura (probably spelled that wrong) has a pricey one. DHC's is affordable but you need to order it. I think I've seen St. Ives at the drugstore too. I have never tried it with a straight oil like olive oil but I'm sure it's the same thing. Keep us posted. I'm curious to see how this goes.

Marsi said...

I did the OCM (first cleanse with oil, then cleanse again with Cetaphil) with grapeseed oil for about five months recently; oil is the only thing that'll remove those high-tech Japanese sunblocks that really coat the skin and can't be budged with ordinary cleansers. The grapeseed oil worked all right for my skin; no blockages or other problems (unlike my experience with olive and coconut oils). But I abandoned the whole gig when I realized that my Shiseido sunblock was really drying out my skin and making it -- and ME -- look old and dessicated. In the last month, since abandoning both the Shiseido and the OCM, in favor of 55 SPF Neutrogena and Bioderma Crealine waterless cleanser, my skin looks nice and juicy again. I'm completely thrilled with the Bioderma.

la said...
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la said...

I have heard that the Neutrogena is a terrific sunscreen, so it's good to know that you like it.
Thanks to you and Bonjour MME for your comments. I will keep you posted on my experiment!