Monday, May 18, 2009

Informed Produce Shopping

Happy Monday!
Here is some information that I found to be interesting. It concerns genetically modified, organic and conventionally grown produce and how to tell the difference
between them, easily.
Hopefully we will all be buying from the farms this time of year (or growing our own, my garden is doing very well so far), but if not, I hope you find this tip

PLU (Price Look Up) codes are four or five number codes that bring up the price of each item. Within these codes is information about the food itself.

If the code number (you can see it on the label or price tag) is four numbers, the product was grown conventionally.

If the code is made up of five numbers, the product is either organic or genetically modified. An organic product code starts with the number 9, while a genetically modified product code starts with the number 8. Never buy a product (unless it's at a farmer's market or direct farm to consumer) without a PLU code so you know what you are buying.


1 comment:

Kristi said...

I wrote this down and am carrying it around until I get it memorized. Thanks. Hey, I really like your blog, would you be interested in sharing links for our blogs? I'm at Thanks