Friday, November 20, 2015


Hello, just a quick check in to clear my head a bit and see if I can verbalize my latest musings quickly. Bottom line is I'm taking a break from everything but (what I can see as) essentials right now. In other words my blog and some other writing that I've recently re - begun are going back on hold.

 I know I'll still write for myself, but right now the (admittedly self induced) pressure is off on that front and actually it feels pretty good. I'd like to focus on editing myself a bit: it's nice to believe I'm a Renaissance woman all "oh I can do everything I fancy" and perhaps to a certain extent I can -but the more I do the less I enjoy it and probably don't always do my best and what's the toll of that?  Also for me it's begun to feel a bit like the discipline trap: "I am free and don't need routines (ie discipline) -- both of these mindsets I have been known to buy into. I need to clarify and have routines.

So the Renaissance Woman and the Discipline Trap have a an anti motto : "You can do anything but you can't do everything" (don't know who said it first). So clarity, editing/curating, discipline all will bring a self directed pleasure. I'm beginning to see that a certain amount of selfishness is key as well.
Not to say I won't be back - and if so I certainly hope it's not 5 years again!

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