Sunday, November 1, 2015


Something can be both a ritual and a routine, the main difference is that a ritual is always pleasurable while a routine can often be the opposite. Part of the genius in learning to live a great life is somehow making the "musts", the drudgery, the routines dang it!! - into pleasures. Of some sort.  But the rituals are rewards, pleasure, food for our minds and souls.
Some common rituals: keeping fresh flowers in your home, playing music, burning candles, mealtimes with family/companions. Some others I like and have mentioned: monthly massage, monthly facial, monthly facial cupping, tea time, swimming (it's my hydro therapy and a whole lot more!), napping. I, obviously, like grooming but I also see my body massage as necessary to my work (dancing) and the facial stuff is also somewhat preventative.

Some routines I'd like to make into rituals: housecleaning being one. Ugh. I have no luck with cleaning ladies (shut up about my standards) so it's not delegateable (new word?).So I try to get into the mindset and play great music etc.....and I do it. And I love the result, there is nothing like a clean house -  so I guess that's enough!

I think it's necessary to get some routines in place as boring as it initially sounds. The free time, increased productivity, the flow - will all be worth it. I have found, truly, that the morning routine I began about 7 months ago has become both routine and ritual: it really works for me.

And small pleasures - rituals - are daily companions so don't take them lightly. Appreciate them.


Deanna said...

I'm a big fan of rituals and like you, am working on developing more of them.

la said...

Thanks Dee for commenting. Love your blog!

Deanna said...

Thanks, I'm enjoying yours, too.