Saturday, June 8, 2019

Super Stoked

There is only so much to say in a (self imposed) 20 minute morning writing spree. For good or evil.
Today I choose good - gratitude b/c I am feeling it. Generally. The continent was all it is - beguiling, charming, enticing - so easy to love. Ancient, chic, clean, aware. I got home and almost immediately began weeding/clearing/planting my front yard, my legs are screaming: all the travel - planes, cars, trains, *walking* - and then gardening. Tonight I gig and so arnica and deep stretches soon; had hot baths last two evenings with Epsom salts. My point: all I saw was so inspiring. My entrances, gardens deck and patio need attention and work. So I working my way around, starting with the window box, front beds and easing some set ups on the patio; power washing the deck and wooden dining table.

 Our interior is yummy tho - and that's one area for which I'm really thankful!! As I look around and appreciate my space my heart is happy. I didn't miss the peonies - super thankful. Mme Isaac Pereier roses look so good!!! On my hands and knees, little stories come to me - characters really. I've been weeding really close down to the moist earth, by hand, and sorting through the soil comes a snippet of a life, a  short vignette, it just does...the garden, the earth will talk to you. So I have more to do there, but some perennials I put in two (?) years ago are looking good.
times up!

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