Monday, June 29, 2009

L'ete arrive!

I feel the need to check in with my 'diary' to clarify and sort of quantify, perhaps
to reinforce a bit as well - my purpose in blogging: to add daily to my life by being more aware, more genuine, real, euro inspired in some ways. Blogging is time consuming!
I spend my days trying to 'get ahead' which right there sounds negative. The process is the real thing. Remember that Laura.
Alors, I am loving my potager so much. We have harvested exactly 27 haricot verts. The one sprouted onion I planted has rendered lots of greens for stir fry and roatsted red potatos with oregano and thyme. The tomatos are covered with blossoms and shiny, green balls - soon to be sugar sweet cherrys, and romas and early girls...and the zuchini! well, get your recipes ready. I just layed out some strips of rags lightly soaked in ammonia. Supposed to keep the critters away and a ground hog, I believe, was munching on a hungarian pepper plant. The watermelon vine is a runaway:)
A good day ends with lots of compost in the (tightly covered) pot by the kitchen sink. Starting with coffee grinds, eggshells and fruit ends and accumulating all
day long it's magical ingredients, the pot is emptyed after the evening meal into the compost pile behind the garage. This simple endeavor has been so satisfying over the years - providing wonderful soil for garden and potted plants AND providing a
place to recycle uneaten food.
Been cycling a lot. Today to the library to work, uninterrupted for 2 hours on the computer. Love it.
Soon the long awaited oil cleansing method experiment will start, I promise. I am working thru untold meager amounts of accumulated Vit E oil and Ponds Cold Cream etc
I do have a nice tan going. I am not an extremeist either way per the sun. But I need me some, especially on my legs.
La mode is doing pretty nicely this summer so far. Tomorrow my easy linen capris are
ready from the tailor. I'll drop my denim pencil skirt off. I'm going to repair my
Land's End red leather sandals with my wonderfully heavy weight sewing machine (I hope) - it's just a seam, but threatening their life. I can always hit the cobbler if I can't do it. Oh - had my eye exam and had my lenses put in some 'cheaters' that I had and loved. They are smashing - a light weight green metal conconction that always garners a 'love your glasses' - did the same with my Jackie O sunglasses, except specialized as bifocals - again terrific results.
bisous - I had a splendid birthday week, I'm a summer baby born on the longest day of the year and was wined and dined into not so sleek, but heavenly shape.


Kristi said...

So nice to have you catch us up on everything. It sounds like your summer is going well.

Kristi said...

Happy belated birthday!