Friday, July 19, 2019

designing your life

a ted talks title. can you design your life? isn't so much of it random? how can you design what you don't know - ie life itself is a process that takes, well, a lifetime. so i guess you're designing on the fly. ha.
i didn't watch the video but the title stuck with me; actually having experienced most of the stages of life by now gives a different perspective. i'd like to design my epitaph but i'm sure i'll be remembered differently. i believe i am/ vs/ who i really am.    there is a duality, a split, in my private nature and public persona. i live in my mind. guarded and sardonic. i could be melancholy if left to it.   so.......where were we. oh yea, introspection. can we move on? please? so much of life has happened, just happened, and it's been good. great even. i have everything i could ever, ever need. i believe i've made pretty consistent/good decisions and held up my end of bargains. i wish i had saved every ticket stub/backstage pass because it would be cool to really know that stuff but hey, regrets, i've had a few....etc.
and now i'm entering old age. really, i guess that's it. let me google it. ok i'm - phew - pre old 'age pausal'. the 'accepted' age at which one is considered "old" seems to be 68. many people i know live another thirty years, try and make them good ones.  party like you're about to be in the old category.

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