Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Aldi cosmetics in Europe - Lacura - Movin' on out from the city center Amsterdam

In a turn of events I decided to look for more options in Amsterdam.
Reading the reviews of Hotel Ben woke me (it's 2019 - wake up!) as one or two jumped out. I mean I love their slogan 'cheap and clean' - or the opposite - I'm paraphrasing this entire paragraph btw; clean is IT. But when 4 twenty-somethings share rooms, rave about the smoking and you see photos: the brown, afghan (think Gramma's couch) bedspread. It became too much. Amsterdam is pricy you see. Could be noisy near this place all night long. So we're hopefully getting a "rare" find air b&b studio a bit further out from city center. Should hear today I'd think. Maybe one day we can ride bikes from there into the canal area, other days we'll bus/tram/metro. We're near a stop for whatever it is.
 I looked at food - street market food - on youtube. Jake said today he wants to eat a real meal every evening. So that's a bit more than I thought. We don't generally eat a lot but we like to eat very much. M and C are young and he'll eat cause that's what he does, lots to fill at  over six/6 feet. With walking and street food and dinner and drinks in the evening, we'll be covered even tho we now have kitchens in all three cities.
 I actually tried to look up Aldi near us but I'll have to look harder. I'm thinking they might have some good face stuff - Lacura and other items not carried here, sadly, anymore. We have some night and day creams but not the entire line and I want it! I also want the frozen potato pancakes we saw at the Aldi in Naples Fla. Aldi: are you listening, you're the only follower I want!! I went to Aldi in Belgium cause I love it, items were actually in Trader Joes packaging!
 I won't cook, pretty sure. This is a vacation and I don't do what I do at home, generally speaking.

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