Friday, April 26, 2019

I quit facebook - now I watch too much youtube!! Jessica Smith TV

I've been going down the rabbit hole with youtuber videos on Europe! I 've also gotten fascinated with people who live, by choice, in a van/camper/truck. They have a huge youtube presence. Since I quit Facebook last year I've probably substituted - a bit too much - with youtube.  I don't miss facebook!! I'm sure I have missed some things, but what's really important will surface elsewhere. I hope.  Anyway less youtube is in my future now that I've called myself out on this issue!!

Been intermittent fasting -my schedule is to basically eat between noon and 8 pm - it's really not difficult for me and I believe that my body is repairing itself when it doesn't have to work at digestion. Also just not thinking about eating frees up a lot of time.

Today I have to look our Amsterdam airb&b up on the map. I guess we are at the last stop on the metro from the train station. This weekend I'm going to wrap up some of our travel planning. The PopTarts only have one gig, tonight, so I'll have some time to do this.

Weather here has been typically of Spring in CLE - awful. Rain and cold, then we'll have a nice, warmer, sunny day and bammm another chillfest the following day... the ups and downs in barometric pressure really make me tired....

Next week I'll weigh myself and take my hip and waist measurements and see if I'm back on track. I need to pack for this trip! I love a youtuber for my exercise : Jessica Smith TV. She's knowledgeable, has a ton of workouts of all levels and lengths and has a sweet personality that keeps you inspired.
That's a link to my favorite workouts of hers, I usually do one video workout of 15 - 20 minutes every morning. Really good.

I have to make potato leek soup today - bought the leeks (expensive!) a few days ago and have the cream and half and half so good to go. This soup, a traditional French soup called vichyssoise, is so easy to make and super delicious. Not keto but this Irish lass needs her spuds sometimes. And I'm not a dramatic keto devotee. Just being aware of carbs makes me make better choices all the time.

We had an issue at one of our rental properties - needed new hot water heater and this one is expensive. They also need extermination (lots of construction in the neighborhood has stirred up the rodents!) and so that's an expense we really don't need with the upcoming trip. ALSO: should be getting our tax information today or tomorrow. (We had an extension). Our accountant is not charging us this year, due to the delay and that's great cause he's expensive/good but I don't know what or if we owe!!!
yikes, La

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