Wednesday, May 1, 2019

A Bronx Tale and How to make your Estrogen Patch Stick!!

Went to see A Bronx Tale last night - highly recommended. They bill it as a 'cross between Jersey Boys and West Side Story'  which is a good analogy. My sisters and I have been going to the Broadway Series at the Playhouse for about 6 seasons now and it's one of the best shows we've seen. Singing and dancing - which is always so great at these shows - plus a good story, which is true! - some sage wisdom and a tight script so the show didn't run overly long. One of our biggest critiques is that most of the plays go on about 20 minutes too long - they need to be edited better. We think.

Today I have a PopTart gig at 1pm and girl's night with Laurie later. We're finally having a warmer day, up into the 70's but it may rain so no patio dining probably.

So how am I making my little corner of the world more 'french chic, euro, like Paris etc' lately?
uhhh. Not doing so great on that front. We've been eating somewhat haphazardly which is normal for us as J's been umpiring and I've been gigging more.  I have been pondering some wardrobe additions and planning for our upcoming trip, both of which inspire me to be pickier and to contemplate what I'd really like to see and do when there. I have been intermittent fasting and watching the carbs - guess what? It works. Looks like I'll be keeping the soft army green cropped pants.....nice.

Would you like to know who I watch on youtube? Bloggers I enjoy? Movies or programs that inspire me? What a PopTart is? lol.  I get some views, according to the stats section here, but very rarely any comments so I just ramble on.

Incidentally I have a great way to make sure your estrogen patch sticks, really well, for the week you wear it. Wipe body area with alcohol, take a piece of tape and place it over the area, pat down  and then pull it off, this exfoliates even more (I use a roll of packing tape - I swear by the dispenser that you use to tape up packages with - so handy) - then apply the patch. Cover with one sheet of toilet tissue for  30 seconds to blot any adhesive from the edges. Voila. Mine have stayed on thru a week of sunning and swimming in Mexico after learning this method.

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