Friday, May 3, 2019

Paris in Cleveland - part two

I realize I forgot L'Albatros in yesterday's post. Located in University Circle, L'Albatros is a wonderful French resto in the CLE proper. I had the best cream of mushroom soup of my life there - I still think about it from time to time. We may have to go this month as it's mushroom season. I'll call and see if they have it on the menu. We've been dining in as a prep for Europe, saving a bit for that splurge. Oh, they have a most excellent cheese board - it's huge and must hold about five thousand dollars worth of cheese at at time.    Yum.

Another place that seems 'french' to me is Mediterra Bakehouse. 
Absolutely delicious bread. Many of my favorite restaurants in CLE use their product and you can buy it at the West Side Market, which is itself a very European feature of the city.

The third place I forgot about yesterday is Cleveland Bagel. A fairly new start up, this place is wonderful. I know that water is the main ingredient (most important anyway) in a bagel and we have great water here. That's the theory anyway - NYC has great water and great bagels - for example.
These are the best bagels I've ever had and I grew up on the East coast and consider myself to be a good judge of these things! Crispy outer layer, chewy interior. A complex crust that, as noted is crispy and then layered finely. Heaven.  They've done so well a second location has opened near the Cleveland Clinic main campus.

So if you are keto, or sometimes keto like I am, these second two are tempting little devils. But I believe in moderation in all things and I'd never, ever give up good bread forever.

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