Thursday, May 9, 2019

Color quiz for you! Bronchitis and The Magic day two

Well I did my gratitude practice this morning. Took all of three minutes. I am very thankful for all that I have. Thank you! I am doing 28 days of The Magic (book), if you care.

Here's a link to a color personality quiz. It's for your living space interiors. I found it to be spot on, altho if you take it a few times and your answers vary a bit you will get slightly different results. I did find that all results - I took it three times - had the basic colors remain the same and the accents, while different, to be ones that I know I love. It was developed using analytics,not just someone's opinions, for what it's worth. Here's the link:     I hope you enjoy it!

After a bad allergic reaction in October of last year I've developed some bronchitis. It's a weird illness that can be triggered by just about anything. Not fun. I spent a few hours one Sunday night in the emergency room because I had such difficulty breathing my daughter insisted we go. Breathing treatments, chest xray, blood work - $3,000 later (great health care system even for the insured she wrote, sarcastically) I was given some steroids and an inhaler. Eight months later I'm still not 100%. It's not a good thing for anyone, but especially not for a singer.  At first I supplemented with bromlein and lecithin - herbs for lung health and the Castor oil pack. And peppermint tea. Now I'm trying lobelia drops and a honey turmeric mixture, which seem to be helping. And I'm grateful for that. I was a cigarette smoker years ago and quit, but honestly I continued to smoke pot (which should be legalized). Anyway I don't smoke anything now and am concentrating on healing my lungs completely. I do exercise and work really hard at gigs, I also practice some intentional breathing exercises to work my lungs out. I always, year round, run a vaporizer at night. Put some lavender oil or eucalyptus oil in there. Ahhhhh.

Big breath in thru the nose and out the mouth,

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