Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Cats and stuff

I really don't feel like writing today, and since I've begun writing here daily that's a first. Even tho I generally don't know what I'm going to write about I've been happy to sit here, first thing in the morning, and let it out. Whatever comes.

I've never been a cat person - probably because I'm extremely allergic to them. Not all of them, but it's hard to determine why some make me sneezy and stuffy and others don't. As a baby my parents discovered this allergy when visiting friends with kittens and I puffed right up. So I've never been really close to the cats. Till my daughter brought home a stray, who happened to have 3 kittens (it's a long story) and we ended up with Lila (mom) and Earl Grey (son). We kept them in the shed and then the basement and I don't seem to be allergic to Lila, but when Earl was about 6 months I had a bad allergic reaction - to him? or what? It was not like other times with cats - when an allergy pill helped and when I got away from the cat I was fine,  but a crazy swollen eyes and bronchial reaction - for days. I've been struggling with some breathing issues since. It's been almost 8 months.

Needless to say I've become attached to the cats but I can't wait for them to leave.  I am trying lobelia -an herbal remedy - so we'll see. I am a proponent of herbal medicines, arnica is amazing and so under the radar, for example.

What else? Well I've done better on the youtube watching. My mornings continue to be productive: writing, facial, exercise, piano. Then on to appraisal work or other stuff for the afternoon. 
I've lost 5 pounds being mindful of carbs and the linen pants I got from Marshalls fit nicely now. I am waiting for a pair of jeans from Nordstrom to arrive, the first ones were too big, but I liked the cropped yet longer length of these Topshop Moto jeans, so I exchanged them. Here's hoping!


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