Friday, May 10, 2019

The Magic Day Three

I'm on The Magic day three. So far so good. Everyday you start out with a list of 10 things you are grateful for and reread it saying 'thank you' three times for each item and feeling the gratitude as much as possible.

Day two you find a magic rock to hold before going to bed and envision the thing that you are most grateful for that day; you will continue to do this every night. Day three you take photos of three people you love and get grateful for them - just the way they are. Doing that after this blog.

My Topshop Moto jeans came yesterday and I'm so glad I exchanged them for a smaller size. Fit is SO important and, I think, especially in these newfangled 'mom jeans'. Very high waisted. I love Nordstrom. The customer service is tops.

Today The PopTarts have two gigs: a luncheon (45 min. set) and a bar/resto gig at night. Also gigging tomorrow night, so starts the summer busy season. Today's day gig will impact my morning routine and it's the nuface and piano that are getting the ax, cause yesteday I didn't work out.  Honestly I complain sometimes but when we are in our slow season I feel like a lazy slug. I guess after nine years you get used to being busy especially on the weekends.

Visited Mom and Dad yesterday, they are in such good shape for 88 and 89 years old. Living in their condo, golfing (well Mom is, Dad's been undergoing chemo for pre leukemia and feels poorly cause of it) and still driving! That was the thing I was most grateful for with my magic rock last night. This gal has a lot to be thankful for.

Put tomato cages around the peony plants yesteday, should have done it sooner as they are pretty tall already. I find the cages keep the heavy blooms supported and upright and you can't see the cage in all the foliage. I hope to get some zinnia seeds in the ground before our Europe trip. The raspberries and grapes look great - lots of blossoms and we have a tomato garden that self seeds (volunteers!) every year. Love that tomato garden - there is not much better than just picked cherry tomatos on toast or cheese toast for lunch. Also made several batches of penne a la vodka last year using our garden bounty and boy was that delish. And simple. Perfect!

Spring is not a great season in CLE - crazy temp swings, lots of rain and that's the case right now. Something I'm not grateful for because it wreaks havoc with my head/lungs/etc. The ups and downs of barometric pressure affect the water in our bodies and I really feel this, unfortunately. Again, not great for a singer but my affirmation is that my lungs are healthy, clear and strong. And they are and I will be fine.


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